Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Weet-Bix Tryathlon

I had to wake up early so I could eat my runny egg and buttery toast breakfast.
It was the Weet-Bix tryathlon so I got dressed and climbed into our family van. When we got to the Tahuna playing fields, I felt super nervous. We had to listen to loud speakers to know when to go to the starting line on the beach. By the time it said, "orange caps", I was ready to go. I asked Mum and Dad if they had heard it, but they hadn't. All the orange caps lined up and ''SNAP!'' We were off. I was shaking with cold from head to toe as I approached the freezing water. My heart started pounding like mad as I crashed into the water and I could barely swim because it was so cold. I emerged from the sea then ran up the beach to the bike area. I tried to start pedaling but my pedals did not work. I tried again but they still didn't work. So in the end Dad and a helpful stranger came racing out and put my chain back on. I did my two laps of the circuit and put my bike back in its place and started running to the finish line. My legs were whobbling  from pedalling so fast but when I reached the the finish I was delighted.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Battlefield

The launching catapults bump down the grassy battlefield. Soldiers carrying shining swords, blocking shields, swinging axes and jabbing spears charge upwards. With stake barriers sticking out of the ground and spearmen rushing away, the enormous catapults crash through. Men are advancing from all directions. Missiles like arrows, spears, swords, broken shields and even boulders are flying everywhere. It is devastating.


Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Nerf War

With my protective glasses on I sneak up behind the sloping lush green hill. 
The sound of  a snapping Vulcan Blaster machine gun is shouting in my ringing ears. As I sprint down the hill, dark blue zipping darts shoot past my dodging head. I can hear rustling in the short waving bushy beech tree next to me. ''Look Out!" Tuf tuf tuf goes the machine gun.
I fire back Boof, boof.
I grab the waiting flag and race to the starting base.
We win!


Wednesday 27 March 2013

The nosy duck

A nosy duck sniffing round. Piecing in the camera lends wondering what it is. The long grass covers part of the road.  

Friday 1 March 2013

All about ducks
Nosey duck, clacking, quacking on the road. Big oblong head, sniffing and snooping around.